1 Anne Turner - ParkHill Flats - Constantine Cup for best photo essay.jpg |
2 Charles Perryman - Grove Snail on Sea Holly - Rose Bowl for best beginners' image.jpg |
3 Eddie Sherwood - Turnstone - Nature Trophy for best nature image.jpg |
4 Gareth Morgan - End of the Shift - Horton Cup for best portrait or figure study print.jpg |
5 Jim Charlton - The Blue Lady - Ron Harrison Trophy for best small print.jpg |
6 Linda Jackson - Tulips - Sweetman Trophy for best monochrome image.jpg |
7 Mark Tomlinson - Main Staircase Sendzimir Steelworks Krakow - Record Cup for best record print.jpg |
8 Shirley Hollis - Amal at the Crucuble October 2021 - Fred Hague Trophy for best Sheffield, its life and environs print.jpg |
9 Shirley Hollis - Number Three - Hodgson Cup for best altered reality print.jpg |
10 Shirley Hollis - The Locker Room - Cooper Cup for the best pictorial print and Society Trophy for the best print in the Exhibition.jpg |
11 Tim Swetnam - Off to work on nights, Orgreave Coking Plant June 1981 - Dixon Trophy for best photojournalism_action print.jpg |